Ainslie Ville Enterprise

Enterprises sounds a bit posh, don’t it?

Nah, the enterprising & interesting things is en-Abling* disadvantaged people such as us living at Ainslie Village in Canberra, a social housing community.

I met another local dude making things at Haig Park Markets who goes by ‘Dad Made‘,

but for us it is mostly Mad-Made.

Practically everyone here lives with a combination of chronic conditions, physical dis-Ability*, neurodiversity, mental dis-Ability*, or other learning disorders, many of whom take up addictive behaviours to medicate the symptoms of these.

I want to create opportunities and a framework for people to enjoy themselves while creating objects and other saleable items, as well as a small market for them, and earn a lot more than $8 an hour (What Ainslie Village ‘pay’ some residents!).

* I use the word dis-Ability because as a crip for the last 18 years (physically) and neurodiverse my whole life, I am more limited by a world designed for only 70% of the population.

I am actively dis-abled by shopping malls designed to make money, not harmony.